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Cashie River


Bertie County Senior Center Use Policies
The Bertie County Senior Center was developed for the use of Bertie County Senior Citizens.

The Senior Center Gym can be used by the following organizations (by priority) after arrangements have been made with the Council on Aging Staff.

-Bertie County Senior Citizens (no charge)
-Bertie County Government Agencies (no charge)
-N.C. State Agencies (no charge)
-County/State Educational Institutions (no charge)
-Non Profit Organizations and Businesses may rent the Senior Center for $200.00 a day plus a $50.00 incidental fee. The incidental fee is refundable if there is no damage or if proper clean up is done.

NO parties (birthday/graduation/wedding receptions/etc.) will be allowed unless it is a Senior Citizens party.

Alcoholic beverages and smoking are NOT ALLOWED and are strictly prohibited.

Events are limited to four (4) hours.

When paying to use facility, an admission at the door will be allowed only to cover the direct cost of programs. If using the facility for free, only a basket can be passed around to ask for a donation.

Anyone requesting the use of the Senior Center must sign and abide by the “Agreement for use of the Senior Center Gym.”

Failure to abide by the “Agreement for use of the Senior Center Guidelines” can result in loss of organization’s privilege to rent the Senior Center.

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